
2015-07-28 644℃

内容提要:一、Her wishful face haunts my dreams like the rain at night.她的热切的脸,如夜雨似的,搅扰着我的梦魂。 二、Take aw...

一、 Her wishful face haunts my dreams like the rain at night.她的热切的脸,如夜雨似的,搅扰着我的梦魂。

二、 Take away love, and our earth is a tomb.没有了爱,地球便成了坟墓。

三、 If you can wait for miracle, I'd rather wait, even a year, or the life!如果等待可以换来奇迹的话,我宁愿等下去,哪怕一年,抑或一生!

四、 My heart beats for you every day. I am inspired by you every minute, and I worry about you every second. It is wonderful to have you in my life.每一天都为你心跳,每一刻都被你感动,每一秒都为你担心。有你的感觉真好。

五、 Fading is true while flowering is past.凋谢是真实的,盛开只是一种过去。

六、 When I thought I couldn’t go on, I forced myself to keep going. My success is based on persistence, not luck.

七、 Forget others' faults by remembering your own. 想想自己的错,会忘却别人的过

八、 Laughing off annoyance and worries is a kind of calmness and relief. Laughing off misunderstandings and animosities is a kind of frankness and tolerance.——面对烦恼和忧愁一笑而过,是一种平和释然;面对误解和仇恨一笑而过,是一种坦然宽容。 

九、 A positive attitude will have positive results,because attitudes are contagious.积极的态度会带来积极的结果,因为态度是具有感染力的。

十、 Actually it is just in an idea when feel oneself can achieve and cannot achieve.

十一、 Touch the soul of the heart not sacrifice.触碰灵魂深处的脉络,割舍内心的不舍。

十二、 Don’t look for somebody who’s perfect. Just be happy with someone who’s perfect for you! ——你要找的不是一个完美的人,而是一个对你而言最合适的人。

十三、 Everytime you come to mind, I realize I'm smiling. 每次想到你,我就发现自己是微笑着的。

十四、 Stray birds of summer come to my window to sing and fly away.And yellow leaves of autumn, which have no songs, flutter and fall there with a sign.秋天的黄叶,它们没有什么可唱,只叹息一声,飞落在那里。

十五、 被特别在乎的人忽略,会很难过,而更难过的是你还要装作你不在乎。 It's tough when someone special starts to ignore you, it's even tougher to pretend that you don't mind.

十六、 I’ll think of you every step of the way.我会想你,在漫漫长路的每一步。

十七、 有些记忆,注定无法抹去;就好比有些人,注定无法替代一样。 Some memories, are doomed to be unable to cancel, is just like some people, is doomed to be unable to substitute.

十八、 i miss you when i am depressed, just as i miss the sunlight in winter; i miss you when i feel happy, just as i miss the shade in the hot sun.在忧愁时想你,就像在冬天想太阳; 在快乐时想你,就像在骄阳下想树阴。

十九、 The darkness is no darkness with thee. 有了你,黑暗不再是黑暗。

二十、 Love never dies. 爱情永不死。

二十一、 it’s you that led me out of the loneliness when i was lost in my mind. 曾经迷惘的心中,是你牵引 走出寂寞。

二十二、 11.It's alright to feel helpless sometimes, as long as you know you are loved. 只要你知道自己被爱着,那偶尔觉得无助也没什么。

二十三、 A heart that loves is always young. 有爱的心永远年轻。   

二十四、 The worst way to miss someone is to be sitting right beside them knowing you can‘t have them. 失去某人,最糟糕的莫过于,他近在身旁,却犹如远在天边。

二十五、 How blessed are some people, whose lives have no fears, no dreads, to whom sleep is a blessing that comes nightly, and brings nothing but sweet dreams.有些人是多么幸运,他们生活中没有恐惧,没有担忧,每晚睡眠如期而至,带他们进入甜美梦乡。

二十六、 You have no wrong, I am not wrong just a gust of wind, blew the comm你没有错,我没有错只是一阵风,吹熄了承诺。

二十七、 It is the tears of the earth that keep here smiles in bloom. 是大地的泪点,使她的微笑保持着青春不谢。

二十八、 Three important things in relationships: eyes that won’t cry, lips that won’t lie, and love that won’t die.

二十九、 Better to do something imperfectly than to do nothing flawlessly.

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